
Liquid nitrogen is used for wart removal and verruca treatment. It is a safe and reliable way to freeze off skin tags, warts and verrucas. Thankfully, it’s generally easy to get rid of your warts and verrucas.

A safe verruca and wart treatment

If you have warts, verrucas or other non-cancerous skin lesions, our doctors might recommend liquid nitrogen therapy. Quite simply, this is an excellent way to get rid of warts and verrucas or lesions.  Specifically, our GPs use this as a treatment that freezes the wart, causing it to blister and then heal.

Liquid nitrogen is kept at a very low temperature. As a result, the liquid nitrogen destroys the wart tissue on your skin lesion by freezing it.

What can you expect from liquid nitrogen therapy?

  • Firstly, the liquid nitrogen is applied to your skin using a spray gun, or sometimes a cotton bud, for around 5 to 10 seconds. This will start to freeze off the wart.
  • Next, you may fell a slight sting when it is applied which could last for a short time after your treatment
  • Expect the lesion to turn white. Also,  it may blister within a few hours
  • Blistering will usually form a scab, which will then heal naturally
  • Finally, keep in mind that more than one wart or verruca treatment session is usually needed to completely get rid of your lesion.
  • Your GP will advise you to book a follow up appointment if required

What types of skin lesions can be treated with liquid nitrogen?

  • Viral warts
  • Actinic keratosis
  • Molluscum contagiosum in adults
  • Some skin tags

Unfortunately, liquid nitrogen is not suitable for mole removal. However, if you are concerned about your moles or have noticed any changes, talk to us about a mole check. 

Why do I need a mole check?

Naturally, ruling out any melanomas is our main concern and reason for doing a mole check. Of course, sometimes people want a mole removed for cosmetic reasons too. 

Firstly, we will carefully check your mole as our GPs are trained in dermoscopy. Simply, this means we check the lesion with a Dermascope magnifying glass, which allows us to look for anything unusual. Furthermore, if we had any concerns we would be able to refer you to an Auckland Dermatologist. 

Next, our clinic staff will be able to make a recommendation for the best way to get rid of warts, verrucas or lesions with GP treatments.

Health care professionals providing liquid nitrogen

Fluent in English. Rozie graduated with a Bachelor of Health science, Nursing.
Fluent in English and Mandarin. Delia graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing in 2018 and completed her post-graduate degree in Health Science.
Fluent in Cantonese, English and Mandarin. Carmen completed her Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) in 2004 and post graduate certificate in Advance nursing practice in 2005.
Fluent in English and Mandarin. Mei is an overseas nurse and completed her Post Graduate Certificate in Health Sciences from the University of Auckland in 2008
Fluent in English and Tagalog. She graduated with her Bachelors of Nursing from the University of Auckland in 2021.
Fluent in English, Mandarin and understands Cantonese. Wen completed her Bachelor of nursing at the Manukau Institute of Technology in 2005 and a Post Graduate Certificate in Health Sciences from the University of Auckland in 2008.
Health Improvement Practitioner
Fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and Malay. Mai Ling completed her Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health and Addiction and is looking for opportunities to continue to upskill her theoretical and practical knowledge in every way.


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  • 新西兰护照或新西兰出生证明,或
  • 其它国家的护照与永久居民签证、居民签证、或 24 个月以上的工作签证





All GP appointments are 15 minutes long.

  • One appointment is for a single health issue.
  • Should you wish to have a 30-minute GP appointment, it will be charge at a non-subsidized rate.
  • Depending on your age and health, one of our specialist nursing or pharmacist clinicians may be able to spend more time with you.

If you are a new patient, you will get full access to the patient portal “My Indici” once you have completed your enrolment.

请在会诊后尽快支付诊费。没有付清的款项每月将会有 $10 额外行政费用。


我们建议您通过您的 MyIndici 患者平台预约。.



MyIndici 患者平台是一个可以让病人看到自己的健康资讯的安全网站。如果您想开通您的患者平台,请致电诊所 (09) 265 1325 或电邮至 info@ormistonmedical.co.nz。

我们建议您在没有药前两周通过您的 MyIndici 患者平台要求重复处方。如果您还没有开通您的患者平台,请致电诊所 (09) 265 1325。我们的医生会通过电子处方系统把您的处方直接发去您所选的药房(请注明药房名称和地点)。
任何是我们的医生开出的检验,在医生检阅结果后就能在您的 MyIndici 患者平台看到。如果您的化验结果有任何异常,我们的医疗团队会联络您。

We are open Monday – Friday 7:30am – 5pm.

在办公室见外请前往 East Care 急诊中心,260号 Botany Road, Golfland, Auckland 2013。
电话:(09) 277 1516


Under 14 Years - Free
14 - 17 years - $13
18 years & over - $19.50


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